UPconnect V2.0.0
Release date: 20.09.2024
System requirement
System | Recommendation |
Minimum UP version | UP - 6.0.0 |
Minimum Java version | JRE 17 |
OS | Win 10, macOS Sonoma, Linux |
RAM | 1 GB |
Eclipse Update Site
Use Eclipse Update Site to update UPconnect Eclipse Plugin: https://updates.avm.swiss/up/connect
The complete package can be downloaded from the AVM Nexus
Important Information
While using that version with older UP 5.x.x versions, there could be an issue with generating statemachine animation files (webroot-animation folder).
Bugs / Features / Improvements
AVMASPDEV-4366 UPact: more info than "could not establish connection" error, for ex. wrong passwort
AVMASPDEV-4439 UpAct: add ADS Properties to headless interface
AVMASPDEV-2321 ServiceUI should frist check MQTT PLC Identifier before overwrite
AVMASPDEV-3826 ServiceUI: Adjust MQTT method call (changed definition)
AVMASPDEV-4318 UPact: Unnecessary warnings from AppConfigFileParser
AVMASPDEV-4414 Cyclic read request while OpcUA subscribe is active
AVMASPDEV-4473 UpAct: unsubscribe messaging only if no other subscription active