System requirement
System | Empfehlung |
Actifsource | |
UP connect | UP - UPconnect V1.5.4 |
Java | AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.12+7 |
Eclipse | 4.21.0 |
OS | Win 7/8.1/10, macOS Big Sur |
OS Architecture | 64 Bit |
Processor | 64 Bit |
RAM | 8 GB |
Disk | SSD |
The complete package with
- Eclipse
- Java
- Actifsource
- UP (the latest minor version)
can be downloaded from the AVM Cloud. The credentials are identical to those for the UP update.
Update Site
Input / Output Internal is Logical now
- Since internal is not allowed for variable names at TwinCAT (reserved for access specifier). Controller business logic read, writes now to Logical IO item at IO structure. Since this structure anyway changed with UP 3.25.1 at B&R Platform, no refactoring should be necessary.
Bugs / Features / Improvements
- [AVMASPDEV-2069] - ControllerMethod: Return Type VOID leads to Compiler Warning
- [AVMASPDEV-2088] - Bei defaultHardwareConfig werden TaskGroups nicht ins cpu.sw File generiert
- [AVMASPDEV-2357] - Line break in comment fails
- [AVMASPDEV-2368] - ChildIterator: Identifier not defined in ControllerMethod
- [AVMASPDEV-2375] - MQTT Library has no placeholder defined
- [AVMASPDEV-2383] - Error in the analog In/out bridge when using structured types
- [AVMASPDEV-2385] - Method Override: user object parameters not generated
- [AVMASPDEV-2386] - i/o structure, rename internal to logical
- [AVMASPDEV-2389] - The use of structure type prefix leads to problems with the generated I/O data types.
- [AVMASPDEV-2392] - not possible to call a ClassType method instantiated in the UserObject
- [AVMASPDEV-2393] - Missing datatype TYP_BOOL_IO
- [AVMASPDEV-2394] - Log entries are missing
- [AVMASPDEV-2396] - State extension does not work from second level of inheritance
- [AVMASPDEV-2399] - SM with nested groups not corrctly generated
- [AVMASPDEV-2400] - Cyclic call of outputBridge
- [AVMASPDEV-2401] - Interface.getState(<<state>>) fails if no child has such a interface
- [AVMASPDEV-2402] - UserDefined IF-datatype not generated when used in parent ctrl
- [AVMASPDEV-2405] - Base log entries missing
New Feature
- [AVMASPDEV-2384] - message counter for controller, child and child iterator
- [AVMASPDEV-2391] - View aspect SpecificationNoLimit no values shown
- [AVMASPDEV-2411] - prioritisation of the important elements in the Content-Assist
- [AVMASPDEV-2306] - Logger integration in UP
- [AVMASPDEV-2360] - interface get state/mode method
- [AVMASPDEV-2404] - bol_CtrlCfgOk is false (InputBridge not running)
- [AVMASPDEV-1860] - UPact: Interface- instead of controller-centered TestCases
- [AVMASPDEV-1994] - UPact: more convenience for I/Os