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Diagram UserTaskLink

Design_UserDoc_UserTaskLink UserObjectLink UserObjectLink UserObjectInterface UserObjectInterface UserObjectLink->UserObjectInterface userObjectInterface 1..1 Controller Controller Controller->UserObjectLink userObjectLink 0..N Controller->Controller extends > extends 0..1 UserObjectInterfaceVariable UserObjectInterfaceVariable UserObjectInterface->UserObjectInterfaceVariable interfaceVariable 0..N UserObjectLinkInstance UserObjectLinkInstance UserObjectLinkInstance->UserObjectLink userObjectLink > target 1..1 UserObject UserObject ControllerInstance ControllerInstance ControllerInstance->Controller instanceOf 1..1 ControllerInstance->UserObjectLinkInstance userTaskLinkInstance[UserObjectLink] 1..1 AUserObject AUserObject UserObjectWrapper UserObjectWrapper

class UserObjectLink extends NamedResource


The controller is the central element of a UP application. A controller defines the smallest, intrinsically functional unit.

A controller essentially consists of two main elements: * Interface and data * [UP - Statemachine]

In addition, the controller has the definition of relations to [Child] controllers.

A controller can also be described as an instantiable type that is instantiated in the [UP - ControllerTree].

class Controller extends NamedResource, AControllerDescription, AnnotableComment, DatatypeLibraryOwner, RootVariableLibrary, RootVariableName, AOoDomainRoot, ACallingBaseElement, AResourceWithType


class UserObjectInterface extends NamedResource, DatatypeLibraryOwner, AnnotableComment


class UserObjectInterfaceVariable extends NamedResource, AnnotableComment, BaseDataVariable, ArrayVariable


class UserObjectLinkInstance extends Decorator


class UserObject extends AUserObjectInterface, APlatformUserObject


The ControllerInstance is an instance of a controller. A controller is instantiated in the ControllerTree.

The controller instance is the application-specific version of the corresponding controller. In the context of the ControllerTree, various elements are defined which define the uniqueness.

class ControllerInstance extends AnnotableComment, RangeChildFieldRef, BaseTreeElementInstance


abstract class AUserObject extends NamedResource, AnnotableComment


The UserObjectWrapper can be used to call function blocks outside the controller construct. Relations can be drawn from any controller. The UserObjectWrapper also has two Code Snippet regions. One for the initialization and one for a cyclic call.

class UserObjectWrapper extends AUserObjectInterface