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Diagram Unit Manager

Design_UserDoc_UnitManager unitManager unitManager UnitManager UnitManager unitManager->UnitManager UnitManager->UnitManager extends > extends 0..N DefaultUnits DefaultUnits UnitManager->DefaultUnits defaultUnits 0..1 NativeTextList NativeTextList UnitManager->NativeTextList textList 0..N UnitSystem UnitSystem UnitManager->UnitSystem unitSystem 0..N Unit Unit DefaultUnits->Unit defaultUnit 0..N imperial imperial imperial->UnitSystem metric metric metric->UnitSystem us us us->UnitSystem


class UnitManager extends NamedResource, AOoExtendable


class DefaultUnits extends Resource


class Unit extends NamedResource, AnnotableComment, ATextSourceProperty


The NativeTextList is the basic container for text resources. Native texts are the texts that are assigned to the various elements in the application at the time of development. Typically, such texts are unedited and are not used to be displayed on an HMI or similar. The texts entered here will be the basis for later translations.

class NativeTextList extends NamedResource, AnnotableComment, AResourceWithType


class UnitSystem extends NamedResource