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Diagram Text Manager

Design_UserDoc_TextManager TextManager TextManager TextManager->TextManager extends 0..1 LanguageDefinition LanguageDefinition TextManager->LanguageDefinition languageDefinition 0..N TextTable TextTable TextManager->TextTable textTable 0..N BR_Config BR_Config BR_Config->TextManager textManager 0..1 TextTable->LanguageDefinition defaultLanguage 1..1 NativeTextList NativeTextList TextTable->NativeTextList nativeTextList 1..1 Translation Translation TextTable->Translation translation[LanguageDefinition] 1..1 NativeTextResource NativeTextResource NativeTextList->NativeTextResource nativeTextResource 0..N Translation->LanguageDefinition language > target 1..1 TextElement TextElement Translation->TextElement text[NativeTextResource] 0..1 TextElement->NativeTextResource nativeText > target 0..1


The text manager connects the native text resources with the respective translations. The languages to be translated are defined here. For each NativeTextList a TextTable is created in which the individual texts are translated.

class TextManager extends NamedResource, AnnotableComment


Configurations which have to be made especially for the B&R application.

class BR_Config extends RootVariableLibrary


class LanguageDefinition extends NamedResource


class TextTable extends NamedResource


The NativeTextList is the basic container for text resources. Native texts are the texts that are assigned to the various elements in the application at the time of development. Typically, such texts are unedited and are not used to be displayed on an HMI or similar. The texts entered here will be the basis for later translations.

class NativeTextList extends NamedResource, AnnotableComment, AResourceWithType


class NativeTextResource extends NamedResource, AnnotableComment, AResourceWithType


class Translation extends Decorator


class TextElement extends Decorator