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Diagram Child

Design_UserDoc_Child DynamicChild DynamicChild DataValue DataValue DynamicChild->DataValue setChildId 0..1 DynamicChild->DataValue returnValue 0..1 AbstractChild AbstractChild AbstractChild->DynamicChild ControllerInterface ControllerInterface AbstractChild->ControllerInterface requiresInterface 1..1 Child Child AbstractChild->Child Controller Controller Controller->AbstractChild child 0..N Controller->Controller extends > extends 0..1 Controller->ControllerInterface controllerInterface 1..1 ControllerInterface->ControllerInterface implements 0..N


Type of child controller that can be bound at runtime.

class DynamicChild extends AbstractChild


abstract class AbstractChild extends NamedResource, RangeChildFieldRef, AOoDomain, APrefixedResource


The controller is the central element of a UP application. A controller defines the smallest, intrinsically functional unit.

A controller essentially consists of two main elements: * Interface and data * [UP - Statemachine]

In addition, the controller has the definition of relations to [Child] controllers.

A controller can also be described as an instantiable type that is instantiated in the [UP - ControllerTree].

class Controller extends NamedResource, AControllerDescription, AnnotableComment, DatatypeLibraryOwner, RootVariableLibrary, RootVariableName, AOoDomainRoot, ACallingBaseElement, AResourceWithType


Definition of public informations of a [Controller]. A Controller interface can implement other interfaces and inherits all its elements.

class ControllerInterface extends NamedResource, AnnotableComment, DatatypeLibraryOwner


The child defines with which interface a relation to a subordinate controller exists.

class Child extends AbstractChild


class DataValue extends BaseValue, ASubFieldSelector