UPconnect V1.9.2
Release date: 05.07.2024
System requirement
System | Recommendation |
Minimum UP version | UP - 6.0.0 |
Minimum Java version | JRE 17 |
OS | Win 10, macOS Sonoma, Linux |
RAM | 1 GB |
Eclipse Update Site
Use Eclipse Update Site to update UPconnect Eclipse Plugin: https://updates.avm.swiss/up/connect
The complete package can be downloaded from the AVM Nexus
Important Information
While using that version with older UP 5.x.x versions, there could be an issue with generating statemachine animation files (webroot-animation folder).
Bugs / Features / Improvements
AVMASPDEV-3672 OpcUA Connection subscribe support
AVMASPDEV-4240 UpAct: Subscription of msg methods for TestAwaitAction
AVMASPDEV-4303 UpAct: Read/write structured item as object
AVMASPDEV-4367 UpAct: OPC-UA subscription configuration support (OpcUaConnectionProperties)
AVMASPDEV-4267 Update modvis server (state animation)
AVMASPDEV-4348 UpAct: Check acknowledge and state of message for changes
AVMASPDEV-4355 ConcurrentModificationException while disconnect PLC