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Release date: 03.12.2024

System requirement

System Recommendation
UP connect UP - UPconnect V2.0.2
OS Win 7/8.1/10/11, macOS Sequoia
OS Architecture 64 Bit
Processor 64 Bit
Disk SSD


The complete package can be downloaded from the AVM SharePoint.

Bugs / Features / Improvements

AVMASPDEV-4523 Siemens Platform - Eliminate tia warnings end errors

AVMASPDEV-4592 Show changes in an aggregated resource across the entire path in the Project Explorer

AVMASPDEV-4606 Open content assist on automatic linked ressource

AVMASPDEV-4608 Optional refactoring to convert message literal texts into text resources

AVMASPDEV-4609 ServiceUi V2.0.2

AVMASPDEV-4612 New actifsource version As_11_6_0_202411281930

AVMASPDEV-4474 Adjust upact unittest and testing

AVMASPDEV-4546 Improper exception handling

AVMASPDEV-4591 Items JSON is only generated when UPact object is available