Modelling Tests
Create TestCase
See TestCase for how to add a new TestCase and for general information about the TestCase Object.
setUp / test / tearDown
The setUp, test and tearDown areas are purely organisational in nature. However, it is advisable to use the different groups to visualise where the environment for the test is set up, where the actual test is defined and where the environment for the test is torn down again.
Set Actions
Set actions can be used to write variables or execute methods. All variables of a controller interface can be accessed.
- SetActionCommonControllerContext
- SetActionCommonModelContext
- SetActionIO
- SetActionLocalVariable
- SetActionSpecific
Test Actions
Test actions are used to check variables against a value.
Time Action
The time action can be used to delay the test process.
Variable Store/Restore Actions
Values can be temporarily stored and read back again using test local variables.
Test Assembly (UPact Class)
Information on combining the individual test cases can be found under UPact.
Test Runner
There are various options available for executing the tests. The corresponding descriptions of the variants can be found under the following links: