getting started
UP Project
- Add ServiceUiConfig at config object (optionally: already set by project wizard).
- Set AsVersion since OpcUa template is version dependent (optionally: already set by project wizard).
- Create new folder to generate service UI backend and define it as target folder with UPbuild_ServiceUiBackend build (optionally: already set by project wizard).
- Force generate Service Ui Backend folder
- Start backend:
- Windows: run UPconnect.exe
- Unix: run script
(Consider that script must have execute permissions: sudo chmod +x - Use password and username from Password Safe to login with service user (Service UI User) (Read / Write) or guest user (Service UI Guest) (read only)
- Open browser and call http://localhost:8080
- Consider that localhost is always the host from running UPconnect backend application. In case of connecting to a hardware PLC too.
- Change PLC host name, IP address and plc type at configuration tab
Consider: using 127.0.01 instead of localhost can speed up OPC-UA connection time under some circumstances with Windows VM's and it's DNS resolution. But this workaround is not always successful. See FAQ for more informations.
Plattform dependent installation
UP - Service UI installation (Beckhoff TwinCAT with UP)