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Siemens S7 Sim Advanced Settings

Sim Advanced does not support OPC-UA authentication and security. Use anonymous authentication type and security none option.


Siemens S7 MQTT Connection


In contrast to the OPC-UA connection, the MQTT connection is established from the PLC to the server (ServiceUi). This must be taken into account in the network topology. If necessary, the gateway must be defined as router within the TIA project.



The Siemens PLC choose a fix ethernet port (interface) as output for the tcp connection independently of the defined IP ranges! The defined standard interface is set by UP initially to the value 64 (The value/constant can you find under Default tag table/ System constants/Data type HwInterface). 

If in special cases required this value could be overridden by a customer application. (Value: IF_AEMqClient_01.TcpConnParam.hwidentifier)

Siemens S7 Logger, Diagnostics as Tab

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