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PLC connection

Connection State

Use Extended footer option slider at configuration to show detailed view about different connections.


grey: connection to PLC is deactivated (Configuration).

black: connection to PLC is not established.

green: connection to PLC is established.

yellow: OPC-UA: connection established, but an invalid PLC interface detected. Check if PLC is running and if a valid PLC Project is loaded.
REST: no connection established, but PLC definition loaded from local application cache. For further details contact: UP - PLC definition know-how
MQTT: connection to broker established, but PLC has no MQTT connection to broker (online flag is false).

red: connection time out.

REST: REST API is used to load plc defintion files from PLC web server. Check web server if REST API connection could not be established:

http://localhost/service-ui/plc-definition/items-br.json / http://localhost/service-ui/plc-definition/items-s7tia.json

OPC-UA: State of OPC-UA connection. Check OPC-UA connection with UaExpert if connection could not established.

MQTT: Since PLC is MQTT client, IP Routing from PLC to UpConnect backend instance must be possible. MQTT is required for messaging and log entries transfer. For further informations contact: UP - MQTT connection

Error message PLC Definition not found

PLC Definition is read from plc web server.

Error message can't connect item

WARNING: Can't connect item 'Log_1.Cur.logRec' with params 'identifier=::i_ctrl_1:ctrl_Log_1.If.IFS.Cur.logRec; identifierType=1; nameSpaceIndex=6; registered=false' due to: Bad_NotSupported (0x803D0000) "The requested operation is not supported."

There are multiple reasons for this problem:

  • In case that all nested data structures are affected. Check OPC UA model version at PLC settings: Service UI installation B&R, Beckhoff, S7 Tia
  • Some structure types like array of enumeration are not supported at older B&R runtime versions.
  • There are some B&R runtime version with invalid startup order. This issue is fixed with: AR A4.71 (Support ID 000400304961).