OPC-UA Connection Exception
If OPC-UA connection failed because of invalid certificate, reason will found at UpConnect console output:
Caused by: com.prosysopc.ua.client.ConnectException: Failed to create session channel to server: : opc.tcp://localhost:4840 http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Basic256,Sign ServiceResult=Bad_CertificateUriInvalid (0x80170000) "The URI specified in the ApplicationDescription does not match the URI in the Certificate."
Often occurs after:
- copy and rename virtual machine
- reinstallation of automation studio
- deploy another B&R project
- connect with ServiceUi to another PLC
Delete temporary files with command at configuration page. This routine will delete all files with name "plc*.*" pattern at java.io.tmpdir folder.
- C:\Users\AVME\AppData\Local\Temp\plc.der
- /var/folders/fw/5p5mm8qj70gfymkmn987d56w0000gn/T/plc_2048.der
- /var/folders/fw/5p5mm8qj70gfymkmn987d56w0000gn/T/plc_2048.pem
OPC-UA connection time
Consider: using 127.0.01 instead of localhost can speed up OPC-UA connection time under some circumstances with Windows VM's and it's DNS resolution. With some virtual machines, the only solution is to add a manual DNS server at ip configuration.
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